Carrera UK’s Blog

1809, 2024

What is Microsoft Exchange?

18th September 2024|

Microsoft Exchange is an email platform used widely by businesses across the world. It is a comprehensive platform with access to a suite of features designed to enhance productivity, security, and collaboration within a business. How Microsoft Exchange Emails Work With Microsoft Exchange, your emails, calendars, and contacts are stored on a central server, allowing everything to [...]

409, 2024

Why Backups Are So Important

4th September 2024|

Having a reliable backup system in place is essential for businesses. Without it, your business risks losing valuable data leading to costly disruptions and setbacks. Recovery From Data Loss One of the most important reasons why backups are so important is to protect your business from data loss. Data loss can be due to a number of [...]

2108, 2024

New: Virtual Landlines

21st August 2024|

Carrera UK is launching a new service: virtual landlines, a cloud-based phone system that allows you to carry your business phone number with you wherever you go. What Are Virtual Landlines? A virtual landline is a cloud-based service that allows you to make and receive calls using a local or business phone number from your mobile phone. [...]

1408, 2024

A Rise in QR Code Scams

14th August 2024|

There has been a rise in reports of fake QR codes being used to scam the people that scan them. We outline what you should look out for and how to avoid them. QR codes have been around for a long time but they have been used more frequently since the Covid lockdowns. They are a quick [...]

708, 2024

Why Your Business Needs an Online Presence

7th August 2024|

Having an online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes - and small businesses are no exception. We tell you why as a small business owner, building an online presence is worth the investment. The internet has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. It has become the go-to resource for consumers searching for products, [...]

2407, 2024

The Most Common Passwords: Is Yours on the List?

24th July 2024|

We've all heard the warnings about using weak passwords, but many of us still fall into the trap of using easy-to-guess combinations. We’ve researched some of the most common passwords so you know what to avoid! Using strong passwords is vital to protect your accounts and data. However, many of us have fallen into the trap of [...]

About Carrera UK

Carrera UK provide IT support, IT services, and telecoms to small businesses in Portsmouth & Southampton in Hampshire, and across the South of England.

We offer a complete suite of IT and telecoms service solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, including IT support, broadband, home working support, business phones, and websites.

We know how important IT is to your business and we will work hard as your trusted IT and telecom service provider to find the best solutions for you. Our IT support and solutions give you the assurance that your business technology will be robust, reliable, and cost-effective.

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